Polo Shirts - 7th & 8th Grade Band Uniform

We will soon be ordering uniforms (polo shirts) for the 7th & 7th grade bands.  All of the band students wear the polo shirt at all of our performances throughout the school year.  The polo shirts are blue with a white WMS Band emblem.  New shirts are $12.  Used shirts are $8.00.  Used shirts are on a first come, first serve basis, as I have a limited number in inventory.  

The students will be trying on the shirts in class during the next two weeks.  For now, go ahead and mark the size you think will be best for your child.  All sizes are adult.

Please enclose the payment in a sealed envelope.  Have your child bring the envelope to the band room.  Make checks payable to West Middle School.

The polo shirts are exactly the same as the ones we have used in the past.  Most of our 8th grade students already have one!  If you are a parent of a 7th grade student, and, you have an older child who used one while at WMS, you are good to go (as long as it fits!).

To order the shirt, use the form located on this page!    Send a check to school with your child in an enclosed envelope!  Orders & $$ are due on or before October 11.

Besides the polo shirt, the 7th & 8th grade bands will wear the following:

1.  Black Dress Pants or Skirt (must be long enough)

2.  Black Dress Shoes

3.  Black Dress Socks